Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A lil bit of today...

I cut my hair today! If you've read my older entries, you would know that I'm wanting to get this haircut for quite some time now.

So I finally got it done today. And I....kindda regret it. It's shoulder-length now. But I'm still not used to it. I look extra kiddo right now and more Chinese too. haha.. I don't know how to explain that. But don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with looking Chinese. I already look like a Chinese, but don't wanna look More Chinese. Ok, I better stop now before you think I'm racist. haha. The brother was laughing when I got home with the new haircut. Boo him!


After..I need the shades to make me look cool :P

Hope it grows a 'lil more before uni starts next week! yikes!

On a totally different topic. I was talking to the boyfriend last night. He told me something alone this line, "Don't let the past define your future". He didn't say it exactly in this way, but you know...that's the meaning I guess. hahaha..And it actually got me thinking. It's true isn't it? Don't let disappointments in the past affect you. There's always new beginnings. (:

Another random doodle for the day.

Haha..That's pretty much how I lived. Since I'm the baby of the family, the brother has always set a bar for me to achieve. Not a bad thing I supposed. At least I have a target to achieve and over the years, it worked as a driving force.

Hmm...for now..the bar is to graduate with a distinction. I can do it! :D


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