Thursday, July 22, 2010

Simple Maths, No?

Some things just crack me up. Was having this conversation with the brother and cousin a few months back.

Bro: this Ted Baker shirt nice?

Me: Yea...But it's 80 pounds. I'm sure you can get a Ted Baker for less than RM 400.

Bro: Yea..but it's 400.

Me: So? It's still less than 80 pounds.

Bro: The figure is so big. It's nearly 20% of a fresh grad's wage back home.

Cousin: That's why when I go back for hols I don't shop much. The figure on the price tag is like so big.

Bro: Exactly. It puts me off.

Me: Huh???

I'm still wondering to myself what's their logic. Do the conversion and it's basically the same, whether you shop in sterling pounds or aussie dollars or Malaysian Ringgit. Same thing, no?

And the thing about shopping in Malaysia, you get to 'divide', rather than 'multiply'. hehe. Although this rule doesn't apply to me cause I'm not earning any Aussie Dollars. My mom says I'm spending Malaysian Ringgit in Australia. Which means the 'multiply' rule applies to me here, and when I'm home I don't get to use the 'divide' rule. Crapp..

And you thought university graduates are able to think rationally. Hmm..Maybe they just can't do simple maths anymore. 

I find their logic hilarious!


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