Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Information Overload

I've been preparing for mid-sems and tests these past few days. Feeding my brains with so much info. I feel like my brain is gonna pop now!

Tomorrow is the start of my mid-sem marathon. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. One subject for each day. Oh what joy! 

God, please give me strength. 

I just gave my-wardrobe.com a 5 minute browse. Really...5 minutes! No mood for all these at the moment. Great improvement huh? :P LoL 

Actually 'cos I'm keeping a close eye on my bank balance. I don't wanna be eating grass at the end of the month. haha

Just random info, don't buy UGG boots anywhere else other than Aussie land (for those who are interested). I saw UGGs being sold on my-wardrobe.com for 150 pounds! Gawd, that's like double of what I paid! Tsk tsk!

Kk, books and notes are calling out my name.



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